Pam Morrison | There is an I in team | Life Unchained

There is an I in team!

We’ve all heard it. That old saying “There is no I in team!” that attempts to convict you to put yourself aside for the greater good of the group.  While I do agree the group needs come above an individual’s needs, I don’t agree that there is no “I” in team.  How can that be, you ask?  Here are three points to consider:

1.      Individuals required!  To have a team, you have to bring together a group of individuals – the “I”.  To have a superlative team, you have to bring together diverse individuals.  Leading a team of diverse individuals requires recognizing and adapting to each person.  As the leader, treating each “I” the same way is a de-motivator for the individual and for the team.  Encourage the differences and strengths in each person while installing and demonstrating the team comes first.  How do you do this?  Read on.

2.      Transparency triumphs!  To encourage the differences and strengths in the individuals on the team requires transparency.  This means the leader leads by being the most transparent! Leadership is visual so your actions must show the way for the team to go.  What does it mean to be transparent?  It means you verbalize to the team what your strengths are and what you see as your areas needing improvement.  Go a step further and ask them to help you uncover any blind spots and hold you accountable to changes you are trying to make in yourself.  It means you handle conflict directly and verbalize the expectation that they do the same.   It means you share with the team (as appropriate) how you are handling a conflict or tough situation when you are struggling with something and ask them for help.  It means you admit you do not have the answers to everything and allow the team to solve and be creative.  It means you apologize and admit when you’re wrong.  Basically, as the leader lead the transparency charge be exhibiting humility and humanness and get out from behind your title!

3.     Relationship, relationship, relationship!  True, connected relationships are the bedrock of the high performing team.  And I don’t mean surface “Hi, how are you?” relationships.  The team of “I”s must develop strong, personal relationships with each individual on their team.  This can sometimes be messy and sometimes be difficult.  It means you share in each other's triumphs and tragedies.  It means each person develops a true caring nature for each other.  A true relationship is also what paves the way for calling each other out as needed.  We all have a sense of needing and wanting to belong.  We all want to be in an environment where we like those we are working with.  Setting the expectation and demonstrating how to build deep relationships is your responsibility.  Doing so ensures your team will bond, encourage, correct each other and ultimately soar above others.

Through my years of managing and growing from a manager to a leader, I’ve learned the extreme importance of developing teams.  Teams that are transparent, accountable, empowered, open, united and founded on strong interpersonal relationships.  I’ve learned that my success comes from the success of those around me.  I’ve learned while I can do many things on my own, I see better results when those accomplishments come from a team.  It may take a little longer.  It may take more work.  It may be a little more frustrating.  It’s worth every second to see the accomplishments that ultimately would not be there if going it alone.

Treat each person as uniquely as they are.  Guide and lead.  Then get out of the way.  Your team full of “I”s will be the best you’ve ever seen.

Pam Morrison

Team Transformer

Pam is a certified leadership and personal coach, speaker and trainer with the John Maxwell Team.  She owns her own coaching and consulting business with an emphasis on team transformation, leadership development and personal growth.  She has over 25 years in the corporate world with 20 plus years in executive leadership roles.  She has lived internationally and currently makes her home in North Carolina.  Keep up with her at or